Twenty-seven ๐ŸŽ‚

I turned 27 a month ago. I’ve not written a birthday post in a while (last time was turning 24, three years ago) so decided to write something for this one. Not that 27 is a special year or anything (well, I guess it is (un)special in the sense that it only comes once in a lifetime). However I do somehow feel 27 is a round number.

It is hard to explain, but I think I’m at the line that separates an early adult and a full real adult. It’s complicated, and I feel like neither to be very honest.

This year was quite exciting, from settling into my new role at CareerFoundry as a web & security engineer, to traveling around a bit, to getting my dream flat in the Neukรถlln district of Berlin (only to lose it six months later, but hey, not everything has to work out :), to getting my dream job at Mozilla, it has been a really happening year.

I’m really looking forward to this year. New job, new apartment, new part of the city, new technologies to learn and master. So much to be excited about. I decided to write more starting on my birthday, and I’ve been seeing good progress in the last month and a half since then. I’ll document my note-taking habit in an article about Obsidian soon.

My hope for the next one year is to get some stability into my life which got a bit rough in H2. Also hope to do well at work and life in general, but we’ll see that.

Currently I’m into this game called Life is Strange and have been listening to sound tracks from it. I play chess around once or twice per day, and sometimes paint.

Work takes up most of my time, but that’s expected and I’m really enjoying the new learnings coming my way. Overall, life’s good. I’ll go into more detail regarding some of the things I’m up to in separate articles.

Thank you for reading!