Tesla Coil Speaker

A long, long time ago I ordered a tesla coil speaker from Banggood out of sheer impulsive buying habits. I thought it would be a good DIY project to work on and was less than 4 euros at that time. But since I don’t have something like the India Direct Mail shipping here in Germany, the delivery took a month. I was very skeptic if it will ever make it, given that it was a super-cheap, super-fragile little DIY kit. But it did.

Upon receiving it, I soldered the kit together with the soldering station that I received as a birthday present, and headed out to a hobby electronics store to get a variable power supply. Turned out, even the simplest of them cost more than EUR40 in the brick and mortar stores here in Berlin. I wasn’t willing to spend that much to power this little kit. I had to go back to Banggood.

Not wasting any more time, I ordered a 12-24V 4.5A supply from Banggood for less than EUR10. Knowing well that this time it would take more than a month on account of the holidays in the middle, I forgot about it. That was until today, when it arrived at my work. Full of excitement, I got home and powered this project up! Here’s a glimpse from during the testing.

To go along with this project, I have a FM radio module that I’ll hook up with this Tesla Coil speaker. Hopefully, after figuring out a way to cool the speaker, I’ll be able to use it for extended durations of time.

Thank you for reading!