Monthly Archives: June 2018

Advice From An Old Programmer – Zed Shaw

The first article on my site is about me starting with Python. That was four years ago and around that time I had read this book called ‘Learn Python The Hard Way’. I really, really liked it. It was amongst one of those earlier pieces of memories that I’d probably never forget for my entire life, similar to the kind of impact reading The Hacker Manifesto and Sir Eric Raymond’s ‘How To Become A Hacker’ had on me.

I decided to give the Python 3 edition of Learn Python The Hard Way a read. The last section of the book is titled ‘Advice from an old programmer’ and in that, Zed Shaw shares with us some of his zoomed-out thoughts on programming and the career one makes out of it. Although it is very subjective and very blunt, just like the rest of the book (and I really like the rawness in his writing), for me personally it refreshed the old memories associated with the book.

I had read this exact chapter in the previous edition, but this time it made so much more sense. And not just this chapter, but in the entire book, the subtle pieces of well targeted humor and strong opinions held by the author were something of a delight to read even if you didn’t believe in the exact same thing.

I’m copy pasting the section of that book that I think I’ll come back to read re-read again and again. I think many of you will appreciate it as well.

Advice From An Old Programmer

You’ve finished this book and have decided to continue with programming. Maybe it will be a career for you, or maybe it will be a hobby. You’ll need some advice to make sure you continue on the right path and get the most enjoyment out of your newly chosen activity.

I’ve been programming for a very long time. So long that it’s incredibly boring to me. At the time that I wrote this book, I knew about 20 programming languages and could learn new ones in about a day to a week depending on how weird they were. Eventually, though, this just became boring and couldn’t hold my interest anymore. This doesn’t mean I think programming is boring, or that you will think it’s boring, only that I find it uninteresting at this point in my journey.

What I discovered after this journey of learning is that it’s not the languages that matter but what you do
with them. Actually, I always knew that, but I’d get distracted by the languages and forget it periodically.
Now I never forget it, and neither should you.

Which programming language you learn and use doesn’t matter. Do not get sucked into the religion
surrounding programming languages as that will only blind you to their true purpose of being your tool
for doing interesting things.

Programming as an intellectual activity is the only art form that allows you to create interactive art. You
can create projects that other people can play with, and you can talk to them indirectly. No other art form
is quite this interactive. Movies flow to the audience in one direction. Paintings do not move. Code goes
both ways.

Programming as a profession is only moderately interesting. It can be a good job, but you could make
about the same money and be happier running a fast food joint. You’re much better off using code as
your secret weapon in another profession.

People who can code in the world of technology companies are a dime a dozen and get no respect.
People who can code in biology, medicine, government, sociology, physics, history, and mathematics
are respected and can do amazing things to advance those disciplines.

Of course, all of this advice is pointless. If you liked learning to write software with this book, you should try
to use it to improve your life any way you can. Go out and explore this weird, wonderful, new intellectual
pursuit that barely anyone in the last 50 years has been able to explore. Might as well enjoy it while you

Finally, I’ll say that learning to create software changes you and makes you different. Not better or
worse, just different. You may find that people treat you harshly because you can create software, maybe
using words like “nerd.” Maybe you’ll find that because you can dissect their logic they hate arguing
with you. You may even find that simply knowing how a computer works makes you annoying and weird
to them.

To this I have just one piece of advice: they can go to hell. The world needs more weird people who know
how things work and who love to figure it all out. When they treat you like this, just remember that this is
your journey, not theirs. Being different is not a crime, and people who tell you it is are just jealous that
you’ve picked up a skill they never in their wildest dreams could acquire.
You can code.

They cannot. That is pretty damn cool.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Thank you for reading!

Blog Anniversary – Four Amazing Years

So it is the time of the year when my domain registrar pings notifying me of domain expiration and reminds me of all the adventures I’ve had with this domain, this blog. And after contemplating for some time, the inner writer whispers, ‘iss awsar par ek post toh banta hai’.

Before this one, I had a couple of other blogs. The goal with those blogs was making money (and learning and knowledge sharing, but honestly, I wanted to taste money). There’s a difference between writing for yourself and writing for a wider, more general audience while thinking about SEO and praying to the gods at Google to increase your PR. After a while, finding no success and realizing that I wasn’t enjoying it that much (you know you’re obsessed with traffic and pageviews when you open Google Analytics every 30 minutes!), I gave up on that and started this personal blog, convincing myself that traffic oriented blogging isn’t my piece of cake. Four years ago, in that article, I wrote this, not knowing how it will turn out.

So, you may ask, what is this thing? The thing you are reading this on! Isn’t it a blog?

Yes it surely it, but I feel it is more than a blog. It is a diary. I don’t really care if no one reads this blog, and as a result, if you look at the source code, there is no analytics code installed. It simply means I never know how many people visit this blog, if at all they do. All I know is I enjoy writing here far more that what I did writing on a blog where people actually came to read stuff.

I’m happy that it was a successful experiment. Writing without the lure of traffic and affiliate commission is much more liberating, and you can be extremely honest about whatever you like. Most importantly, this place has become sort of a hangout for me, a diary and a place to reflect. I sometimes simply read the old articles to find spelling and grammatical errors, haha. There are so many of them, but I correct none. Correcting them would be slowly erasing the past me, so let that stay as it is. It gives me a nice perspective on how my interests, my hobbies and simpler things like the way I construct sentences, are changing. And change is good.

Thank you for reading.

Time & Hash Based One Time Passwords

Ever wondered how two factor authentication apps works? I certainly did. One could just guess how SMS based tokens work, that’s simple (although they shouldn’t be used as per guidelines from NIST). But what about TOTP or Time based One Time Password, the ones in which you scan a QR code and the OTP generator app (like freeOTP and andOTP) gives you a new six digit token every 30 seconds or so?

I was, for quite some time, under the (very misinformed) impression that web servers which implement this method of 2FA expose an API and, by means of the QR code, give you the endpoint with some token and then the OTP generator app polls the server and gets a new ephemeral password which the user enters in the application. Straight forward, but plain wrong.

The belief was challenged when I noticed that the OTP generator app works irrespective of network connection, even if both devices are offline (that is, when working on localhost server). HOW? I dug further and I learned some very interesting things, some of which I wanted to write here.

The Name, Dude

Time based One Time Password, the name itself gives enough clue to guess that it uses time, and as such is independent of inter-communication as long as the two systems are in time-sync. But an adversary can be assumed to be in time-sync as well, right? Yes, that’s where we bring in the secret (a randomly generated token) which is embedded in the QR code that you scan with your smartphone app. So we have the time which is in sync and we’ve established a way of transferring the secret from the server to the client. Turns out, that’s all the data we need to keep generating secrets independently on the client and server side, completely offline once the initial secret sharing happens.

Basic OTP Algorithm

  function generate_otp(secret, counter) {
    h = hmac(key=secret, message=counter, algorithm=sha1)
    offset = get_last_four_bits(h)
    pre_opt = get_32_bits_starting_from_offset(h)
    otp = get_desired_number_of_chars(pre_otp, N)

  function get_totp(secret) {
    counter = epoch / 30
    return generate_otp(secret, counter)

  global counter; // get from database
  function get_hotp(secret) {
    return generate_otp(secret, counter)

The basic OTP algorithm (both time and hash based) accept a secret and a counter value. Combining current time and the secret, a new 6 (or N) digit token is generated every 30 (or Ti) seconds. They differ in what the counter value supplied to the algorithm.

  • TOTP: take the number of times the interval Ti can be fitted in the total number of seconds since epoch. Which is just a weird way of saying that the interval is the quotient when you divide the seconds_since_epoch number by the interval duration (Ti).
  • HOTP: take the current counter stored persistently and use that. After use, increment the counter in the database.

After establishing the counter value, the rest of the steps remain the same in both the cases.

  • Compute HMAC value of message Ti and key secret, get the hex digest
  • The last 4 bits (last digit in hex) is stored as offset
  • Starting from offsetth bit, take 32 bits (8 hex digits) and discard the first bit (xor with 7ffffffff. This works because f = 1111 and 7 = 0111, so &’ing with 7 (0111) is equal to switching off the first bit)
  • Convert the 32 bits hex to int, then take the least significant 6 bits (or N depending on requirement), and that is your OTP
  • ?? Profit!

Security Consideration

The entire security of the OTP lies in the secrecy of the initial secret. If that’s compromised, an attacker can easily generate as many OTPs as she wishes. Also, given the keyspace of the OTP, and also that many servers are designed to accept counter+1 and counter-1 OTPs, securing the system against bruteforce is a most.

One important aspect of these 2FA mechanisms is that losing your 2FA device means losing your account. This is especially the case with services like ProtonMail where the password is used to decrypt client data.

Naive Python Implementation

Given how simple this algorithm was, I tried to implement it. The core algorithm was literally less than five lines of python code. Here’s a naive implementation of the same, and while it seems to work, I’d not use it anywhere.

Thank you for reading! PS Python noob, please don’t judge! 😛