4th Semester And Then

It was in June that I appeared for my 4th semester exam (we have 8 in all, 2 each year). That makes me one half of an engineer, as far as the certification thing is concerned. Apart from that, I would not consider myself anywhere near to what standards I have for an Engineer in my mind. Nevertheless, the results were displayed late last month, and I managed to clear all the subjects, proudly entering the 3rd year of the course.

But since the exams, I did a few interesting things that I would like to let you know. Just after the exams, I took to Qt framework in C++ which I did for the next one month or so. Not much, but I did the QWidget class well enough to have coded some simple GUIs. It was quite interesting, and a useful asset that I think I own now. Later the interest turned towards web [again! :]. I started working on a social network written in Python, Django. I will update you once I get the base ready, and since it is the largest of all the projects I have worked on, I am quite proud and happy for it. Lastly, something even more amazing happened. I found my lost interest in Physics and Astronomy back. It is quite interesting, as to how it happened, but I will save that for a separate post.

The past two months have been great, from my personal perspective. I have basically transformed into someone else, hopefully wiser than I was before. Hopefully. There is a strong reasoning I found for making that statement. I started reading a lot, doubting even more and I found that it opened doors to newer dimensions to living my life. Everything, everyone exists just because they do. That’s it. Nobody, nothing, especially the universe, owes you an explanation to things that seem incomprehensible. Learn to accept it. Maybe it is a part of growing up, which I seem to have realized now. For what it’s worth, I will still stay curious, for that is what drives me and most of the people. Good night.