Starting With Python

Ok so first let me make it clear, this is not a tutorial. I don’t really know that much as to write a tutorial myself. I am still a beginner.

So let me start with it. I have had a good idea of C programming and can code basic stuff in it. I noticed that even thought I had been learning C from quite a lot of time, I cannot really do much in it. Just some basic operations. I agree that the memory level access that C gives cannot be matched by other languages that I know, but then I was paying a quite high price for this privilege.

I needed to make a decision at this stage. Whether to keep learning C with a hope that someday I will learn it all, get good with all the memory and stack concepts, and will be able to code my complex applications or to start with a different language, a much higher level one. I googled and googled. Read lot of stuff on reputed forums and discussion boards. I was finally convinced to drop C temporarily and start with a new language. Then when I get mature enough with all memory management concepts, I can come back to it and learn it all.

Hence starts my expedition to search for a new language. There are numerous to be honest, but I wanted to go with a highly supported and used language, so that I would have proper documentation to refer. I already knew basics of Perl and PHP, but I always felt they are less programming and more of the scripting type of languages. Java is something I stay away from, and I am still to discover the reason for it. I own a RaspberryPi, which, if you don’t know, is a credit card sized PC, which is used by enthusiasts of all kinds to experiment on. If you read a thread or two on their official forum, you will quickly realize that Python is the language of choice for the people developing hobist projects on their Pi-s. So, I thought, there is something good about this language. I read further and found out that this language has a vast collection of built-in and third party libraries which can help you will pretty much everything you do in Python. Moreover, I found out that it also includes a dedicated raspberryPi library to control the GIPOs of the Pi. Impressive, isn’t it?

So Python was it. Next what?

I knew one thing for sure, that I will never be short on resources for reading about python language. Firing up a google search confirmed it. The documentation on their official site is too good, but the problem is, it is a bit too advanced for newbies to understand.

Searching a bit more, I found something much more for me. It was a book called “How to think like a Computer Scientist with Python”. It is an open and free book, and you can get it anywhere. Here is a link if you are interested.

I am currently on this book and I have got a fine idea of what this language is and what not. Hope I finish up with it soon. Till then, keep learning!